Friday, December 14, 2012

All I want for Christmas

  It's hard for me to concentrate on a serious post today. I am enjoying the end of grading combined with a part-time job by taking the day 'off' and wrapping presents, making food, and answering tons of emails. Whoops, that last part doesn't sound fun.  So in the spirit of the holidays, I have made an academic wish list.
Feel free to make one yourself - the only rule - it can't turn into a to-do list!

1. A draft manuscript back from my collaborator. It's been three months.
2. A job talk invite
3. A raise :)
4. An awesome title for our NSF preproposal (need some help on that? Check out crowd-sourced advice here)
5. RNA extractions that work
6. Empty labs for the next couple weeks (students are great and all, but available PCR machines make for easier science)
7. Open PCR machines
8. Non-sticky pipettes
9. A redesigned manuscript based on review comments.
  And again whoops. That last one is a definite to-do. Meh - I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to do that over the break!

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